Monday, May 19, 2008


Earning grades or earning money is not the sole purpose for work. You work to earn peace, satisfaction, happiness and wisdom. And you have to work for it. Nothing in life comes for free.

God made us

God made our bodies and souls with a purpose. Each part and each feature with a purpose. And we are at peace when we respect it. God made our lives with a plan and we are at peace when we follow it.

Being yourself

Its not about being a kid or an adult, its not about being a girl or a boy, its about being who you are because that's what you are meant to be.

Follow your heart

You are not the one to decide what you deserve or do not deserve or what someone else deserves or does not deserve. You just do what your heart says and leave the rest to God.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Life is never complicated. It is our ignorance (lack of understanding) that makes us feel that it is complicated.
The truth is that it knows only how to be simple.

Find joy in tiny moments, as a pleasant surprise you will find that they give more happiness than you ever expect

If you ever get time to glance back in your life, you will find that the things that gave you maximum happiness were very little and simple.
It is those little and simple moments that make life big.

Just enjoy what you have because if you look close enough you will find that actually you are much more priviliged than you think you are

If you happen to see a patient lying in the bed sleeping/resting, never think or tell him how lucky he is, even if you are extremely weary, tired or exhausted, because he might at any moment be more than happy to exchange his position with you.

If you happen to see someone working endlessly day in and day out, keeping everything else at stake, never think or tell him how lucky he is, even if you are unable to do something, because he might at any moment be more than happy to exchange his position with you.

In reality, you are the one who is lucky.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Do it now

Whatever it is that you truly want to do, the time to do it is NOW. If ten things come to your mind, wisely choose the one which is feasible and which will give you maximum inner peace and mental satisfaction. If nothing comes to your mind then develop your creativity.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beauty lies in variety

We are just one person in this world. Still each one of us is unique. Love your uniqueness. Be happy about it.