Sunday, October 15, 2017

5. Living from Center, not periphery

Live from your center, not your periphery.

I read the following in a book:
A person can live in two ways: she can live from her periphery or she can live from her center.
The moment you have a center, then you have a distance from yourself--you have a distance from your periphery.
The outside world can touch you only on the periphery.

So how to be centered in oneself? Witnessing is the technique.
If you move inward from the surface you go to the center--suddenly, the surface may still be disturbed but you are not disturbed.
So the whole thing is not to fight on the surface, but rather slip into the center.
A whole perception is needed, and that is possible only from the center--because from the center you can look all around in all dimensions, all directions, at the whole periphery of your being.

(This is the fifth of the most important lessons I have learned so far.)

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